Beautiful Smile Guarantee - Chandler Cosmetic Dentistry


Chandler cosmetic dentist Dr. Gombert is so confident you will love your new extraordinary smile that he offers a beautiful smile guarantee. Here's how we can make that promise.

Some dentists simply tell you what's wrong, and then tell you what they're going to do to fix it. It's a very mechanical approach.

If you want your smile to be a work of art, the person working on your teeth needs to be an artist.

A smile design by a genuine cosmetic dentist like Dr. Gombert ensures that your mouth and smile not only work properly and feel comfortable, but are also attractive, healthy, and are something you're proud to show off.

We begin your smile design by creating a digitally altered photograph of your smile, showing you what you will look like with your new smile. When we achieve the look you want, we use that as a guide in creating your smile in porcelain.

Also, every new smile is created with the help of a master ceramist, who is also an artist. But, to be sure you love it, before it is permanently bonded to your teeth, you will try it on and get a good look at it from various angles. At that point, if you don't love it, it will go back to the ceramist until you do.