Smile Makeover with Porcelain Veneers, Male, Scottsdale

Smile Design with Veneers



Smile Design with Veneers



Nick has been a patient in our office for many years. From the very first day we met, we discussed when the timing was right; he wanted to change his smile. Nick was unhappy with his short teeth, multiple spaces between all of his teeth and the overall color. In addition, he knew a great smile can help with professional advancement. Nick is very successful at his job and we were happy to help him transform his smile. We reviewed several treatment options including orthodontics, traditional veneers/crowns, and minimal preparation veneers. Nick liked the idea of minimal work on his teeth and we preceded with a combination treatment of minimal preparation veneers and all porcelain crowns. No preparation veneers can often place limits on the changes we are able to make in a smile, but in Nick's case it was a home run. The final results were what he asked for and he looks fantastic.

Smile Makeover with Veneers

Treatment Goals:

  • Lengthen teeth
  • Close all spaces between teeth
  • Create masculine smile
  • Improve on overall color


  • Laser gum therapy on all teeth in smile zone
  • 6 minimal preparation porcelain veneers on front teeth
  • 6 all porcelain crowns on back teeth
  • Professional take home whitening kit for lower teeth
  • Occlusal guard for night time grinding


"Ever since I was a little kid, I have had problems with my teeth and have always been self conscious with my teeth and their appearance.  Through the years, I have had to wear mouth guards, corrective biting apparatuses and braces a few times.  Needless to say, I have been struggling to fix my teeth for the last 12 years.

When I came to you for normal care and you recommended veneers, I welcomed it with open arms.  After getting my veneers, I have had what seems like thousands of compliments on how nice my smile looks and my confidence has gone up.  I now love to smie, laugh, and I am never self conscious about my teeth anymore."      Nick

note:  All photographs are property of Dr. Gombert and all work was performed by Dr. Gombert in his Chandler office.


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* All information subject to change. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.